Activist and educator Pattrice Le-Muire Jones on the state of the animal liberation movement

Interview with inspiring activist and educator Pattrice Le-Muire Jones of the Eastern Shore Sanctuary & Education Center and the Global Hunger Alliance. We’ll be addressing some difficult challenges currently facing the animal liberation movement. For example, how do we make sense of the lack of diversity within the movement? What does coalition-building actually mean and what does it look like in practice? We’ll also be tackling some interesting ideas, including connections between queer issues and animal issues, and relationships between animal liberation and the Iraq prisoner abuse scandal. Pattrice will also share with us her experience of running a chicken santuary, in the historical heart of the poultry industry.

At the Eastern Shore Sanctuary and Education Center, Pattrice Le-Muire Jones cares for chickens while promoting agriculture reform in a rural region dominated by the poultry industry. Jones also coordinates the Global Hunger Alliance, which unites animal, environmental, and social justice organizations to promote plant-based solutions to the worldwide hunger and water crises. An activist since 15, when she gave up meat and joined the gay liberation movement, Jones has organized rent strikes, kiss-ins, street theatre, and extremely unlikely coalitions. A founding member of Global Boycott for Peace, Jones agitates for direct economic action against war in the same spirit that she advocates veganism.

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