Advice from Best-Selling Vegan Cookbook Author, Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Pancakes and photo by Isa Chandra Moskowitz

In this show, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, of Veganomicon and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World fame, imparts her well-honed baking and cooking wisdom to our inquisitive listeners. On the sweet side, discover Moskowitz’ all-time favourite cupcake and the one she still hopes to invent. On the savory side, check out Moskowitz’ pointers for freezing casseroles and the secrets of a satisfying vegan brunch. You’ll also learn Moskowitz’ tips for introducing vegan food to teenagers and how to rescue a failing dish.

With her unique sense of humour and serious love of food, Moskowitz’ culinary philosophies and practical advice go down like a dry martini: distinct and refreshing, with a touch of attitude.

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